Supertronic Energy Scans

What is a Supertronic Scan?

EAV – energy diagnostics

This machine measures precisely defined acupuncture points to determine the energy modes of the acupuncture pathways, internal organs linked to the pathways, and the condition of the tissues linked thereto, whether anatomically or functionally.


Dr. Reinhold Voll (1909 – 1989) was a Bavarian doctor, the first professional to join the methods of both conventional and unconventional medicine in a sophisticated whole. He pplied medicinal electrophysiology methods to the acupuncture system research and defined over 800 points to which the associated internal organs and tissues were linked..


The measurements take allow us to detect whether the organs, functional systems or tissues are irritated, inflamed, adapting normally or degenerating. The energy diagnostics from the perspective of Voll’s method explores acupuncture point response to the transit of direct current of a very low volt-ampere characteristic. This provides a representation of both the acupuncture pathway energy and the condition of the organs and tissues associated therewith.

When is a Supertronic examination most beneficial?
This method is most beneficial in checking the balance of energy in the organs of the body.
Are conventional and unconventional medicine contradictory or complementary?
Conventional and unconventional medicine do not compete with each other, nor are they at odds with each other. The very fact that they work from different angles means that they actually expand opportunities for both the diagnosis and treatment of a disease. When they are used together, this is ideal for the person being examined because the causes of the pathological condition can be identified more effectively and tailored treatment can be proposed.
How should you prepare for an examination?
Patients should not be physically or mentally exhausted or be suffering from an infectious disease. Do not smoke or drink caffeine or energy drinks for at least two hours prior to the examination. Do not apply any cream to your hands or feet. On the day of the examination, take only essential medication. Do not take any other medicinal products or food supplements. Patrick Murphy will provide you with more details.
Are there any limiting factors or people we do not test?
Limiting factors for the examination are age (this is related to the size of young children’s fingers and how much cooperation they are able to provide), pathological processes evident on the skin at the points where measurements are to be taken (eczema, rashes, or scars), and pregnancy (which could affect the interpretation of the measurements). We do not test patients with pacemakers or other electronic regulatory devices, or patients who suffer from epilepsy.
How do you book an appointment for an examination?
You can book an appointment for a Supertronic Scan by following this link, and choosing the Supertronic Scan service. You can book a time and day that suits you. Please note that this service is done at Patrick Murphy’s clinic witch is based in Galway Ireland.